A truck manufacturer OEM utilized Stream Analyze to gain real-time insights into their truck fleet. This allowed the OEM to provide better services to their customers, not just monitoring their fleet, but providing genuine insights into the truck’s performance.

Heavy Vehicle OEM needs to gain better insights to what is happening to their fleet of vehicles throughout Europe, both to better understand how their vehicles behave to further improve their products over time, but in particular to provide better continuous service to their customers. Today, they monitor their overall fleet of vehicles, but don’t have insights into what is happening on the vehicles.

Stream Analyze Platform was installed in the heavy vehicles, and alarms and notifications were created by the OEM and deployed to the vehicles. Any alarm and notification that was generated on a vehicle was then sent to the monitoring center, providing the OEM with operational insights.

The alarms and notifications would provide insights to faults that are happening on the vehicles, allowing the OEM to notify the driver of the faults, but also provide them with possible solutions, such as booking services based on the vehicles location and the fault. This would expand the services the OEM could provide to their customer base, improving customer satisfaction and opening up new revenue streams.