By implementing Stream Analyze's predictive maintenance tools, a forklift manufacturer reduced maintenance costs, by providing insights for the service organization on details regarding faults on serviceable forklifts, reducing the amount of site visits needed, saving millions, improving overall margins.

Manufacturer of forklifts was responsible for services their customers faulty vehicles. Approximately 20,000 service visits per day to customers is done by the OEM’s service organization, where about 75% of the cost is directly accrued by the service organization, not by the end customers.

The Stream Analyze Platform was installed on the forklifts, providing the OEM with the ability to not only develop and deploy predictive maintenance models directly on their forklifts, but also provide their service technicians with a tool for performing remote diagnostics on the forklifts.

The remote diagnostics allowed the service technicians to better determine what was wrong with the forklift(s) they needed to repair. This allowed them to reduce the amount of actual site visits by 10-15%, as often the fault could be trivial and alleviated by speaking directly with the operator, or the fault required a spare part that needed to be ordered before the technician visited the customer.This improved the margins of the service organization substantially.