Case Study

Enhancing manufacturing efficiency and product quality with automated quality control

On the image there are two rows, A and B. Row A shows an image and a graph with no anomalies, and a txt saying "No Defevt". Row B shows a similar image from row A, with part of the image highlighted in yellow, and a bar graph detecting an anomaly. The text below the images reads "Defect".



In an industrial landscape where efficiency and quality are paramount, manufacturing firms are increasingly turning to advanced technological solutions. This case study highlights the transformational impact of the Stream Analyze Platform, which leverages edge AI technology to automate quality control, boost productivity, and enhance the quality of final products.

Deployed in a leading automotive manufacturer's production lines, this solution effectively addresses the inherent limitations of manual inspections and traditional quality control methods.



The company previously relied on manual quality checks that were slow and prone to errors, a common issue in high-volume manufacturing environments. Faced with the need for faster, more reliable decision-making capabilities, existing cloud-based solutions proved inadequate due to their inability to handle large volumes of data in real-time.
Faced with these challenges, the company sought a robust solution that could improve the speed, accuracy, and reliability of its quality assurance operations.



• Real-Time Quality Detection: The need for immediate detection of defects to prevent faulty parts from moving further in the production line.

• Data Security and Efficiency: Ensuring that sensitive data does not leave the device unnecessarily, maintaining privacy and reducing transmission costs.

• Integration and Scalability: Implementing a solution that could easily integrate into existing production lines and scale across various product types and manufacturing sites.



The implementation of the Stream Analyze Platform utilized edge AI to transform the company’s quality control processes:

Edge-Based AI Processing: By deploying the Stream Analyze Platform directly on the manufacturing floor through Raspberry Pi systems equipped with cameras and displays, real-time data processing was localized, minimizing latency and data transmission issues.

Automated Neural Network Analysis: The platform utilized a neural network trained on product images to analyze each component in real-time, automatically comparing captured images against models of defect-free parts to identify any discrepancies.

Dynamic Anomaly Detection Pipeline: Anomalies were detected through a systematic comparison of neural network outputs with actual images, followed by a sophisticated statistical analysis to validate any potential defects.
Diagram showing a system for real-time anomaly detection using a Raspberry Pi, camera, and autoencoder. The camera captures images, which are sent to a preprocessing step through an interface. The processed images are passed to an autoencoder (ANN) for feature extraction. The difference (DIFF) between the original and autoencoded images is analyzed for anomalies. A display in the top right shows a sample image with a score of 73, indicating the anomaly detection result. The system uses Stream Analyze for real-time analysis and Python scripting, with data being processed locally and in the cloud.
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• Device Setup: The Stream Analyze Platform was integrated into the existing manufacturing setups without significant modifications. A Raspberry Pi with a camera captures images of the parts as they pass through the production line. The attached touch display shows the processing results in real-time.

• Model Execution: The model performs preprocessing, anomaly detection, and result presentation seamlessly, with adjustments made on-the-fly using just-in-time compilation for efficient machine code execution. 

• Data Handling: No data leaves the device unless specifically required, ensuring data security. The system supports various communication protocols, including MQTT for optional data streaming to monitoring or control systems.
Diagram illustrating a system where a Raspberry Pi and a local machine are connected to a central platform called Stream Analyze Studio. The Raspberry Pi, depicted with a camera capturing data from an object, sends data to the cloud-based Stream Analyze Studio for processing. On the right, a local machine (laptop) is connected to the same platform, running code or scripts for development or monitoring. Arrows indicate data flow between the devices and the cloud, highlighting real-time data analysis and edge-to-cloud integration.



• Improved Inspection Speed and Accuracy: The edge AI setup provided a 100x improvement in inspection speed compared to manual methods, with highly accurate defect detection enabling immediate corrective actions. 

• Operational Efficiency: Reduced reliance on manual labor and cloud computing resources significantly lowered operational costs and optimized the use of company resources. 

• Flexibility and Security: The solution's design ensures that data remains secure on the device, with optional streaming for oversight without compromising the integrity or security of the manufacturing process.

• Improved Product Quality: The accuracy of the automated system reduced the occurrence of defects in final products, directly enhancing product quality and customer satisfaction.


Improvement in inspection speed


Data security on device


Data delay


Additional data storage costs



This case study demonstrates how the Stream Analyze Platform can transform quality assurance processes in manufacturing through edge AI technology.

By integrating advanced AI directly into manufacturing lines via accessible hardware like the Raspberry Pi, companies can enhance product quality, increase operational efficiency, and maintain stringent security protocols.

Case analysis

Please watch the following case study video for more details.

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